Terrain Explorer
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Terrain Explorer

MapLibre GL JS 3D features terrain rendering with RGB-encoded elevation raster tiles. In this map, we are using data from KyFromAbove project, which collects high resolution elevation and aerial imagery for Kentucky. The aerial image base map is from 2019. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was created from 2019 lidar data and shows bare earth elevation. The lidar data was also used to create a Digital Surface Model (DSM) in 2012 and shows above-ground elevations, like buildings and trees.

UI controls

The sliders allow the viewer to change the vertical exaggeration of the DEM and DSM. If geolocation is enabled, a track will record the viewer's location. That track can then be saved to contig.us and downloaded as a GeoJSON.


The sliders allow the viewer to change the vertical exaggeration of the DEM and DSM. If geolocation is enabled, a track will record the viewer's location. That track can then be saved to contig.us and downloaded as a GeoJSON.