01: Data
Yesterday in the Great Smokies
Most popular video game
College Football 25
Rainbow Six Siege
Call of Duty
Madden 25
Red Dead Redemption 2
MLB the Show
EA College Football
Rocket League
Apex Legends
Spiderman PS4
Elden Ring
Super Smash Bros
Fallout New Vegas
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Far Cry
Jedi: Fallen Order
Escape from Tarkov
Project Moon
Please introduce yourself in our private form 🔗
Other first tasks the need to be completed? 🔗
Task 2
Opens September 18.
You can book a visit to the map library now. 🔗
Submit four locations to Canvas as a text entry.
2 points
lat, lon, name
38.050948,-84.494443,"Gratz Park"
38.041548,-84.490826,"Thoroughbred Park"
38.047543,-84.499551,"Big Blue Building Plaza"
38.046628,-84.496303,"Courthouse Plaza"
Submit a CSV file to Canvas.
10 points
Submission requirements in
Canvas module 01: Data 🔗
"a single map is but one of an infinitely large number of maps that might be produced for the same situation
or from the same data."
–Mark Monmonier
that are interpreted to create information.
Knowledge exploits information.
Mental map
A perception of place
rendered from one's experience and observation.
Spatially orders imagination.
Make mental map of campus
What if you had
a different understanding of
and experience in the world?
Different knowledge, different map.
Different mappings
will use different observations
with different interpretations.
Maps are arguments.
Your data
are your observations encoded into a usable format.
A mental map is one format. It's your argument of how campus is ordered.
Do we have other ways?
How do we locate features on Earth?
Point locations
Every thing on Earth has a location and it can be represented as a single point
using invisible grid of latitude and longitude.
Y axis
Also called 'parallel'
Measures distance from equator
North + or South -
+36.616323° latitude
X axis
Also called 'meridian'
Measures distance from Prime meridian
East + or West -
-83.726845° longitude
Greenwich, England
Prime meridian chosen in 1884
because of the invention of clock that could keep time at sea.
More about this in the GPS module.
Lat, Lon coordinates
can locate any place on Earth
within a foot using ~20 characters
in decimal degrees number format.
Example: 36.616323,-83.726845
People hunt
integer degree intersections.
What's at 0,0? Null island!
How about 38,-85? A field near Salt River, KY
Confluence.org 🔗
A different way
to locate places on Earth?
what3words.com divides the world into 3m x 3m squares
and names the squares with three words.
- They claim to save lives.
What if your house was located with
It's proprietary:
We can't see how they label locations.
They charge for conversion to lat, lon.
Encode observations into a predictable format.
Digital formats have precise rules.
Models that we'll explore
Point cloud
Attribute model
Table of attributes
- Row represent an observation.
- Columns represent attributes for the observation.
- name, lat, lon , what else can describe what is observed?
Most common data model.
File formats
- Applications like Excel produce spreadsheets.
- Text-based formats are more portable.
- CSV is the most common text-based format.
CSV file
- Comma-Separated Values
- a delimited text file with a .CSV file extension.
- delimited: having fixed boundaries.
- text: readable by humans.
- file: data stored in a digital document.
- A ubiquitous format for sharing data.
CSV format
- First row of file contain field (column) names.
- Each subsequent row is a data record.
- Each row consists of one or more fields, separated by commas.
🔎 CSV field values
- Two : text and numbers.
- Text values are enclosed in double-quotes ""
- Number values are not enclosed in double-quotes
Example CSV format
that you will submit for the lab.
lat, lon, name
38.050948,-84.494443,"Gratz Park, Y'all!"
38.041548,-84.490826,"Thoroughbred Park"
38.047543,-84.499551,"Big Blue Building Plaza"
38.046628,-84.496303,"Courthouse Plaza"
A well formatted CSV
can be shared, analyzed, and mapped
by you and others.
Vector model
Encodes location as a coordinate pair (x,y) or (lon,lat)
in a specific order.
Includes attribute model.
Requires mapping software to view.
Geometric primitives
- Point
- Line
- Polygon
- Model what we observe in a simple, yet powerful, way.
Practice making vector data
- of vector data model with
- Pine Mountain State Resort Park
Let's build
- the vector layers for Pine Mountain...
General rule for layering
- Polygons on the bottom,
- then lines,
- and finally points on top.
File formats
- Look in this presentation's appendix.
Vector problems?
- Vector best represents discrete features
- those that have obvious edges.
- It's either there or not.
- How to handle ambiguity
- or subtle variations?
Raster model
- Matrix of cells (pixels)
- Cells are adjacent
- and have a numeric value representing a statistic.
- E.g., average density of forest.
Examples of common rasters
- Land cover & land use 🔗
- Photos showing change on Earth 🔗
- Rasters are good at quantifying subtle variations.
Image raster
- Photographs!
- from airplanes or satellites
- Let's revisit Pine Mountain.
General rule for layering
- Rasters on the bottom,
- and vary transparency and blending mode to stacked multiple rasters.
File formats
- Look in this presentation's appendix.
Raster fun
Compare the size of one area to another.
Point cloud model
- Cloud of points representing x,y,z location.
- Created from laser scans.
- Creates detailed 3D map.
Let's explore data!
1. Download data from a source.
2. Extract (unzip) the file to your module-01 folder.
3. Drag and drop the data into GeoJSON.io.
4. Now try QGIS.
Four types of numbers
- Nominal: number is a literal name
Ordinal: number is a rank
Interval: quantity with arbitrary scale
Ratio: quantity with a true zero
- 0 is the same in any unit
Can you spot the type of numbers in this data?
- What are they?
- Why can an infinite number of maps be made of the same area?
- Why are maps always wrong – to someone?
- What is a mental map?
- What system have we used to find locations?
- What is the X axis and what does it measure?
- What is the Y axis and what does it measure?
- How many decimal places should we use?
- What is it?
- Explain our four data models.
- What are the data formats used in each model?
- If we see two numbers, how might they be different?
Create workspace
- Create a top-level directory on your computer
- to organize your map projects and data.
- Create a CSV (comma-separated values) file for Lab 1.
- Details in Lab
Attribute table
- as discussed earlier in presentation.
- Spreadsheet software like Excel, Pages, and OpenOffice can export CSV files.
Vector data
- Shapefiles are common.
- GeoJSON is text-based format.
- Mapping software uses databases (take GEO309)
Developed in the 90s by mapping company, ESRI
- Initially proprietary but was reversed engineered.
Stores points, lines, OR polygons (not in the same file).
Contains table of attributes.
Multiple files with the same name but different extensions.
Shapefile format
Like a basketball team, each file has a different role and must play together.
.shp stores geometry
.dbf contains attributes
.prj explains the coordinate system
Many others (.shx, .sbn, .sbx, .fbn, etc.) provide additional information.
🔎 Shapefile gotchas
All files must be in the same folder.
Manage them as a team.
Do not edit the files outside of GIS software.
GeoJSON file
Open-source standard for web mapping.
- Geographic JavaScript Object Notation
Stores points, lines, AND polygons (in the same file).
Can contain tabular attributes.
Single file with .geojson extension and editable in text editor.
🔎 GeoJSON gotchas
If you edit the file in a text editor, make sure not to:
change the order of the coordinates.
Delete or add a comma, brackets, or quotes.
Reserved characters:
, {} [] ""
Raster data
- GeoTIFF is common.
- Mapping software uses databases (take GEO409 and GEO419)
GeoTIFF file
Common open-source raster file format
- Georeferenced Tagged Interlaced File Format
Only edit in GIS software.
Single file with .tif extension (sometimes might have companion .tfw file).
Download example file.
LAZ file
- A zipped (compressed) LASer file.
Single file with .laz extension.
Download example file.
(It might crash QGIS!)