02: GPS
Yesterday in the Great Smokies
GEO 109: Digital Mapping
74% prefer that their phone have location services instead of their camera.
Book your reservation now!
No private tours of the map library.
Use reservation.
Make it to recitation to practice!
Pizza party open house: Our lab, Oct 9, 3 PM.
Maps & wanderlust
Imagining over the mountain.
Raisz 1950s landform map
National Weather Service
Task 2
Powers earned 🐉
Create (and own) data.
Start consuming data:
CSV, GeoJSON, Shapefile, GeoTIFF, & KML (in this module).
Practice: visualize bigfoot
. Download
Pro Tip 💯
Most desktop apps use a right-click for various functions.
Get a mouse for your laptop
or discover the magic gesture.
Where are people?
In cars?
In trains?
In boats?
In airplanes?
Real-time tracking is ubiquitous.
How do you know where you are without electronics?
Reference mapping
Reference maps
A curated record of natural and human-made features.
Navigation primary purpose.
Shape & surface of Earth primary concern.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps. 🏅✨
map symbols
Reading USGS maps
Use this USGS
topographic map viewer
Find your neighborhood.
Find a map that was published before you were born.
Find a map that was published before your parents were born.
Reading USGS maps
Explore Lexington West topographic maps from 1906–2022 via this
QGIS project
Find the scale, north arrow, and lat, lon values on the map.
Slippy vs static maps
Slippy, aka dynamic, maps change as you pan and zoom.
Static maps do not change – they are meant to be printed at a fixed size.
We'll make static maps
We need to know the map's
We'll discover that these two properties are tied to a map's
Map scale
How far is that?
How much is the map reduced from the real world?
Commonly expressed on the map as a
scale bar
representative fraction
Scale bar
Graphic scale using a printed measuring rule on the map.
Maintains accuracy when map is enlarged or reduced.
Representative fraction
Ratio of map distance to ground distance.
1:10,000 (1/10,000) means 1 unit on the map equals 10,000 units on the ground.
Not accurate when map is enlarged or reduced.
Verbal scale
1 in to 2,000 feet
Not accurate when map is enlarged or reduced.
Map orientation
Which way is up?
Which way is north?
Allows you to use a compass for navigation.
Compass bearings
Desired direction of travel is called a
Relative to north in degrees (0–360).
Task 2.1
Virtual geocache
Virtual geocache
A number of locations that you need to find
using distance and bearing.
Visit this
to start.
Nearest geocache
from ChemPhys is 448 feet at 169°.
Walk in that direction. "View" is the clue.
When close, another clue will help you identify the feature.
☠️ Watch out for hazards ☠️
You'll want to use your phone
Cache clearly identifiable – if you follow clues.
Work in teams.
Walk slowly when close. Look around, up, down, etc.
Use compass app to help with bearing.
Submit answers to Canvas as a text entry
+1 point extra credit for each correct answer
Nothing teleports:
it takes time to move.
Walk for 20 minutes
at exactly 3 miles per hour.
Where would you be?
Dead reckoning
What else moves?
moves 15° of longitude per hour.
Time zones roughly follow these divisions.
Your clock says 10 am
The sun is rising.
At the home port, the sun rose at 6 am.
Four hours difference
= 60° west of home port.
John Harrison's H4 chronometer.
Allowed accurate time at sea, thus accurate longitude.
Two short videos follow.
We make atomic clocks
that keep the best time measurements
(like ever).
Cesium clock
Cesium metal
These clocks are put in satellites
that broadcast their time and location to us
with global coverage.
Global positioning system (GPS)
US satellite-based navigation system.
Constellation of (at least 24) satellites.
One of many global navigation satellite systems (GNSS).
Satellites broadcast their location and time.
Signals travel 186,000 miles per second.
Difference in time between satellite and receiver is used to calculate distance.
Miles to satellite =
time difference * 186,000 miles per second.
Four satellites needed to calculate 3D position.
You tell me.
Was much less accurate before 2000.
Selective Availability
Intentional degradation of signal until May 2000
iPhone and Street View
use GPS to geocode other data.
Enable Street View for this
In 2019 10+ million miles mapped with GPS.
And, now there's Dog View...
Is in everything!
Deliberate fitness tracking
unintentially maps military bases.
Your location is a commodity.
Surveillance capitalism.
Observations of you are sold to highest bidder.
Are you being tracked?
Do you mind if private companies log your location
and sells it?
Check your apps...
and where you do, too.
Experiment showing how location is shared.
Do you read the fine print?
A love letter to campus
Our collaboration
We made CSVs of 725+ places
that are meaningful to us.
View the interactive
1. Data must be formatted properly.
2. Points must accurately represent locations.
Otherwise can't build map and it won't be meaningful.
Where are the most popular places?
Dense cluster of points
show places that are meaningful to many people.
Heat map
Shows clusters as 'hot spots'
and identifies general patterns.
Voronoi polygons
Create polygon layer from points
where each polygon shows area closest to generating point.
Largest polygon
Fewest points nearby.
Most 'exotic' location.
Smallest polygon
Most locations nearby.
Most 'chosen' location.
Download your data
Voronoi Polygons
Lab 2
Happy Geom Society
Walk a polgon (or closed shape) on campus
rectangle, circle, or triangle.
Record the track with your phone's GPS.
Read docs
Submit a KML
of a polygon that you walked.
3-minute video
To visualize KML path.
Download and install base maps
Submit a KML
Coordinate systems
One to define the shape of the earth
Another to define the shape of the earth on a flat plane
Unit of measure
angular: degree
linear: meter or foot
Geographic coordinate systems
Shape of earth
Define sphere-like shape of earth
and measure with latitude and longitude.
with angular unit of measure.
WGS 84
Coordinate system used by GPS.
38.05°, -84.50°
Reference code is EPSG:4326
Projected coordinate systems
Earth flattened
Project sphere-like shape onto flat surface
using a plane, cone, or cylinder.
Makes a grid
with linear unit of measure.
Learn more
Previous image from: Map Projection Surfaces,
Essentials of Geographic Information Systems
, Campbell and Shin,
Datums and Coordinate Systems
Making Effective Maps: Cartographic Visualization for GIS
, Sarah Schlosser, GISP.
Read Chapter 2, Mark Monmonier's book,
How to Lie with Maps
Take GEO309!
When you project a sphere onto a plane you can maintain:
area (equal-area projections)
shape (conformal projections)
But not both on the same map.
🔍 Handle distortion
Primary goal: minimize distortion.
See how circles distort on different projections.
Find a suitable projection for map's scale and intent.
Practical advice
Let's focus on five projections.
Equal Earth
Albers equal-area
Local conformal
EPSG codes
European Petroleum Survey Group
makes 4–6 digit codes for coordinate systems.
Why are they concerned about map projections?
They have become the de facto standard – use their codes!
EPSG: 4326
Lines of latitude and longitude make squares.
Default projection for data in WGS 84, i.e., GPS coordinates.
Distorts area and shape – don't use it!
Equal Earth
EPSG: 8857
Good projection for world maps.
Preserves area but distorts shape.
EPSG: 3857
Lines of latitude and longitude are parallel.
Default projection for most web maps.
Preserves shape but distorts area.
Albers equal-area
EPSG: 102008
Good projection for North America.
Preserves area but distorts shape.
Local conformal
EPSG: 3089 (for Kentucky)
Tuned to small areas like states.
Minimizes distortion of shape and area.
Different state?
and ask us!
Why worry about projections?
It's complicated, but
when you pick the right one you can measure stuff
and cats sleep better.
Free, virtual cache (extra credit)
Reference maps
What is their primary purpose?
What two elements of a reference map do we look for?
What is a bearing?
What is required for GPS to work?
What are the privacy concerns using GPS?
What coordinate system does GPS use?
What is the goal of a map projection?
Name two types of distortion produced by a projection.
What five projections do we use?