05: Design

Yesterday in the Great Smokies
Webcam archive

Powers earned 🐉

  • You now have the skills to create a map.
  • Now, let's give it a little attitude
  • and start thinking about a final project.


S24 mapping courses

  • GEO 309: Intro to GIS
    • MWF: 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
    • TR: 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm
  • GEO 361: GIS Applications for Health
    • MWF: 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm

Completing the course

  • You NEED to reserve your library tour time for task 4 (5 points)
  • You NEED to make it to recitation to complete task 5. (5 points)
  • You NEED to make it to lecture AND recitation to complete the final project. (20 points)

Election day week lectures

  • Election day: Zoom session (check Canvas for link) where you can ask questions about the final project – or anything else.
  • Thursday: fonts and figure-ground
  • You NEED to make it to lecture AND recitation to complete the final project. (20 points)

20 points!

  • What do you like?
  • It can be made into a map.
  • Next week, we're gonna ask for an idea. (5/20 points)
Task 5

Reflection across town

Lab 5


  • Needs a festival or fantasy map.
  • Do both for extra credit.
  • Instructions

First option

Make a map showing the location and photograph of the Loudoun House

Second option

Fantasy map of the Bluegrass

Fantasy map?

  • Gamers need maps
  • and they often harvest them from real geography.
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 example.

Persuasive maps

Look persuasive?

Science-y looking maps

vector data model
  • Late 1800s: Climate determines pattern of culture.
  • Justified colonialism in non-western world.
  • KY native Ellen Churchill Semple was an early contributor.

The humble 🐙

  • Became a symbol of human greed
  • on maps.
  • Scare the viewer to hold their attention.

Don't need a monster

Persuasive maps

  • hold your attention
  • and engage your imagination.
  • Viewer decides value.

Why maps?

  • Viewers often think maps represent reality.
  • Artifact with instant credibility.
  • Bending Lines exhibition.

Maps as visual medium

  • Like a movie poster or photograph
  • you see it all at once.
  • Use visual hierarchy to help viewer find value.

How to hold someone's attention?

  • Make them think, "that's cool."
  • Composition will be first challenge.
  • Let's explore some of your maps.



  • The form of words
  • need to be legible and readable.
  • The most important selection you make.


  • Family of similar fonts.
  • Pick three typefaces
    • Sans serif
    • Serif
    • Accent (for titles)


  • Print: ground is paper color
  • Digital: ground is no color
  • Figure: you.
Lab 5


  • Needs a festival or fantasy map.
  • Do both for extra credit.
  • Instructions