Midterm Review

Yesterday in the Great Smokies
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What is this journey that we are taking?

First half of course we've focused on making new data.

By creating a text file (CSV)

traveling a path (GPS)

manipulating data (GIS)

This takes a lot of precise knowledge

E.g., you have a GeoJSON, what does it store?

If you can create new data

you can create a map that has never been seen.


We'll be map makers for remainder of course.

Maybe you'll make a map as a gift to someone.

Questions like the following will be on the midterm...


  • Why a map could be wrong to someone?
  • Visit our first lab and task.


  • Data are observations that are encoded in a ___________.
  • We encode data in many different ways. Why do we do this?

Q3 & Q4

  • What does latitude and longitude measure?


  • What units are latitude and longitude measured in?


  • What could be Lexington, Kentucky's latitude and longitude?


  • What does the vector data model store?


  • What does the raster data model store?


  • What does a GeoJSON file store?


  • What does a GeoTIFF file store?


  • What do we use a scale bar on a map?


  • What does a GPS require?


  • What is the primary purpose of a map projection?


  • Review the EPSG codes for projections we have used in class.
  • If you saw a world map of countries and lines of latitude and longitude, could you identify its projection and EPSG code?


  • What EPSG code does GPS data use?


  • What have we used GIS for in this class?
  • Recall our goal in the third lab?


  • What tool would you use to remove overlapping features in a vector dataset?


  • What tool would you use to create a polygon that is a fixed distance from a point?


  • What tool would you use make a shaded relief from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM)?

Examples from Lab and task 3


It's tough to find a good question!

Understanding the observations
will help frame the question.



Don't stress over the tools keep practicing!

Final thoughts
real-world implications.

Would you support increasing your rent
to increase access to parks?

Do we have good access to parks?

How many people have parks in their county?

2.6 million people in 55 counties have parks

1.9 million people in 65 counties do not

Good luck!