Module 01
Intro to ArcGIS Pro & ArcPy
Yesterday in the Great Smokies
GEO 409: Advanced GIS
Virtual field trip to
Scuttlehole Gap, Rockcastle River
36.963583,-84.346543 (topo view)
Set up our local workspace.
Fire up ArcGIS Pro.
Run a few Python scripts.
Learn basic Python
- data types
- assign and access variables
- and intro ArcPy.
Our lab
Find GNIS points
near selected locations.
Geographic Names Information System (GNIS).
Use Python in ArcGIS Pro to code solution.
Do it in class and submit as assignment.
Getting started
Set up user account (while mindful of the username).
Accept Lesson Invitation in Module 01.
Lesson and lab located at
I got data but
but where is it on my computer?
Perennial challenge
Data hygiene
concerns keeping data organized on your computer.
Your local computer
Create top-level directory for all projects
We call this the root directory, e.g.,
C:\YodasGIS (Windows OS)
Put projects inside this directory
Separate downloaded from created assets
Example directory structure
A repository ('repo') is a project stored as a folder that is synchronized to a remote server.
(More soon)
Toaster problem
Why does it have a cancel button?
Because we don't trust it automatically
and so goes your computer.
At the very least
Be able to find the absolute file path and file extension
of an asset on your Windows computer.
Windows File Explorer
Right click on the file
click Properties.
ArcGIS Pro
Locate asset in Catalog window
hover mouse cursor over asset.
Folder & file naming conventions
Semantic name, e.g., describe contents.
No spaces; replaces with hyphen, underscore, or use 'camelCase'.
Always use a file extension for file names.
Always case-sensitive.
the Smithsonian does it
Most common errors
Not knowing where the asset is located.
Not providing the correct name.
In-class task
Create root GIS and data folders.
Download and extract this
Move ky_small_scale.gdb to data folder:
Look for “An invitation to join an ArcGIS Online organization, University of Kentucky.” to find your
ArcGIS Pro login.
ArcGIS Pro
Released by Esri 2015 as flagship desktop GIS software
Combines 2D and 3D capabilities
and replaces ArcGIS Desktop
a collection of desktop GIS software.
Explore interface
Before visualizing data
explore its:
- file path
- data type
- attributes
In-class task
Fire up ArcGIS Pro and customize app for your workspace.
Create a new map project called, "module-01".
Inspect ky_small_scale.gdb.
Visualize and symbolize a few layers.
Python ✊🐍
Created by Guido van Rossum in 1990s.
One of the most popular programming languages.
Designed to be easy to read and write.
Named after Monty Python; not a constrictor.
ArcGIS Pro's Python API (application programing interface)
exposes ArcGIS Pro's functionality to Python.
Python in ArcGIS Pro
We'll use Jupyter Notebook (or just Notebook)
which creates cells of Markdown content and Python code
with interactive execution cell by cell
and saved as a text file with the .ipynb file extension.
Programming goals
We'll cover enough to work in ArcGIS Pro
to script/automate geoprocessing workflows.
Let's give Python a spin in an ArcGIS Pro Notebook.
In-class task
Create a Notebook called 'practice.ipynb' in module-01.
Copy the code in the next slide into the first Notebook cell.
Run the cell; output and a new cell should appear.
Each slide is a new cell.
Want to learn more?
Jump down to the Learning to code 🧐 section and continue on your own in this
How much of x is near y?
How many arches are withing one mile of Miguel's Pizza?
Let's find out with ArcPy.
In-class task
Create a Notebook called 'arches-near-pizza.ipynb' in module-01.
Copy the code in the next slides into the Notebook.
Run the cell-by-cell.
Describing code without using the language.
Helps understand the flow of the code.
Our Pseudocode I
Import needed tools.
Connect our input/output database.
Create our input/output coordinate systems.
We call this setting up our environment.
Our Pseudocode II
Create point for desired location.
Copy it to our database.
Buffer point to desired distance.
Clip features from another layer within this distance.
We call this our analysis.
What could go wrong? 💣
Misspelled string for the workspace property.
We'll discover a way list contents of a workspace.
Check all strings.
What could go wrong? 💣
If features are selected (highlighted in cyan) in ArcGIS Pro, they will be used in the script.
Clear all selections before running a script.
First steps
Use code editor to highlight syntax
distinguish data, keywords, and comments
always case-sensitive
spacing matters.
Practice along
Create/open practice.ipynb notebook in ArcGIS Pro
copy and paste examples from lesson
TIP: keystroke
runs the cell.
TIP: have only one notebook open at a time in ArcGIS Pro.
Required viewing
Variables, expressions, and statements P4E
Conditional Execution P4E
Videos embedded in next four slides 🛎️
A value is data that we use in our program
All values have a type
The type of value determines what can be done in the program.
Basic types
String (of characters)
Number types
Boolean (True/False)
None (null)
Levels of measurement
A number doesn't always represent a quantity
Nominal (zipcode)
Ordinal (basketball ranking)
Interval (temperature of gym)
Ratio (weight of basketball)
Anticipate and prevent
Look at last line in Python error message
function on variables
Syntax errors
Incorrect sequence of characters
Most common when beginning to code
Check spelling, everything is case-sensitive
Syntactically correct but still flawed.
"John is a married bachelor." Can't be true!
Division by zero
Logic errors
Syntactically correct and executes properly.
Result is not correct, though not immediately apparent
Order of operations in math calculations
(10 + 20 + 30) / 3 vs. 10 + 20 + 30/3