Module 02
Essential geoprocessing and analysis
Yesterday in the Great Smokies
GEO 409: Advanced GIS
Career Night, Feb 5 5:00 pm 🔗
Undergraduate Geography Awards 🔗
Virtual field trip to
Natural Bridge State Resort Park
Review first lab.
Build a Notebook that will clip any number of layers to any AOI.
Perform summary statistics on the clipped layers.
Do geoprocessing.
make points, lines, and polygons.
The basis of the vector data model.
Programatically create geometries with this notebook.
Lab 1
Find points within search area.
Now we have a density measure.
3.14 * 52 = 78.5 sq mi
2 places per 10 sq mi.
How does this compare to other locations?
Trivial question because we have a script!
if you had a hundred locations to search and compare.
Wouldn't it be awesome to automate this redundant task?
Will discover the
loop in this lesson.
Hold up!
We found 15 and 16 places.
How do you represent a polygon as a point?
Center of polygon?
Irregular and multipart polygons?
Why not buffer the polygon?
Lab 2
You have a geodatabase with many layers
that need extraction to an AOI.
Perform summary statistics on the layers.
Automate workflow in Notebook.
Go from massive amounts of data
to analysis and visualization.
Your boss says, "How many roads and streams are in the Bluegrass?"
You reply, "I need the layers for streams, roads, and the
Boss says, "Take this ZIP file. I don't know what's in it."
Geoprocessing: extraction and analysis.
how much of xn is in y?
where xn are layers
SPC Fire Weather Forecast Criteria 🔗
In-class task
Create a Notebook called, 'practice-02.ipynb'
Practice along in the following examples.
What you need to know for ArcPy?
for loops
Block of statements that execute when called.
The function might accept input data as arguments.
The function might return data.
Many ArcPy functions output data to the disk, aka Void functions.
📚 ➡ 🔨 ➡ 🌟
Most important function?
reveals the contents of variables
and tells you if a block of code runs.
Tip: whenever code is indented, print something!
Variables inside function
which allow us to pass information to the function.
Their sequence is critical.
Clip function
Perhaps most used GIS function
Clips spatial data to an Area of Interest (AOI)
Requires three parameters
Most everyone, initially, gets the parameter order mixed up.
Clip function
The spatial data is the cookie dough
The AOI is the cookie cutter
The output is the cookie
ALWAYS read the documentation.
Do a web search with 'arcpy {function name}'
String formatting that allows concatenation of:
and numbers.
Build strings from variables.
Sequence of values, aka items or elements
Also known as arrays.
Enclosed in square brackets [ ]
Elements separated by commas ,
Elements are ordered.
Common way to store data.
for loops
iterate over a sequence of values.
Use with a list
to access each element in the list.
Toward completing the lab
In-class task
Create a Notebook called, 'state-base-map.ipynb'
Open lesson documentation and build Notebook cells.
Finish notebook using the section called "Refactored Notebook".
Notebook output
Layers clipped to AOI (Kentucky)
ready for cartographic excellence
and statistical analysis.
Summary Statistics
Aggregate features based on shared attributes.
How long is the Kentucky River?
How much forested land in Kentucky?
How much of x is in y?
Vector layers
Look for common attributes.
Combine features
and look at
and Shape_Area
In-class task
Explore streams layer
both geometry and attribute table
and use these two functions.
Statistics on-the-fly
iterates over records in a table
accessing any field value.
Raster layers
Matrix of cell values
always a number.
Look for cell size.
Continuous raster
Cell number represent varying quantity.
Elevation, temperature, precipitation, etc.
Digital elevation model (DEM).
Imaging raster
Cell number represent reflected/emitted light.
Multiple bands.
Photography, satellite imagery, renderings, etc.
Shaded relief (artificial illumination).
We'll look at these in the next module
Count and value fields
with total count * area of cell = total area
In-class task
Explore NLCD layer
and find total area of forest.
Lab 2: Land use in the Bluegrass
Lab 2 Goals
Find percent of total and area of NLCD classes
in a custom area of interest.
Lab 2 Requirements
Check Deliverables.
Basic flow:
Set up local environment
Define area of interest
Summary Statistics
Let's jump in
Tip: work with your neighbor.
Code is very sharable.
Custom area of interest?
Use lab 1 to create circular AOI
then use FeatureEnvelopeToPolygon
function, convert this circular polygon to square polygon.
Check the Parameters > Python tab in the documentation.
Let's look at a sample Notebook
Where's my data? What database are you using?
Functions have input AND output.
If you are not getting them, then you are
- lucky
- or not practicing. 🤦
Errors are your friend.
Syntax errors
in file path names, variables, etc.
Using functions properly? Parameters correct?
Throws an error, look at last line.
If the error has a code, ERROR 000670, search it.
Remove layers from Contents pane.
Rebuild your Notebook from scratch.
Big Picture
Once you have a working Notebook
you can answer how much of x is in y *
for any area in Kentucky.
Build a function
Build a function
Store and reuse statements
keyword defines a function
followed by unique name and
Parameters? i.e., does the function use data?
Indent function body four spaces
Whenever you use a function
look up its documentation.
ArcGIS Pro has excellent docs 🚀
Functions that only work on certain types. 🔮🐉
String type, integer type, csv type, etc.
Uses dot notation, i.e.,
String Methods
Perform common tasks on strings
Find substrings, change case, etc.
Most return new values, others return `True` or `False`
They do not change the original string.
justWords = "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never
have to live without you."
String slice
Access substring using
[start : end]
Two index values separated by a colon
inside bracket []
End index is up-to-but-not-including
"Let's Hike"[0:2]
returns "Le"
String stride
Optional third number in
Third number returns every nth character
By default, 1
Negative numbers reverse the string
Slice a URL
A uniform resource locator is the unique address of anything on the Web.
Interrupts sequential execution of code
runs same block of code over and over
modifying it with each new run
until a desired condition is found.
Loop statement ends with semicolon
loop block is indented four spaces
runs block until a condition is met.
Iterate over sequence
value by value
with an iterating variable
until all values have been accessed
or until a
occurs in the block.
Runs while statement remains true
or until a
occurs in the block.
Can run indefinite number of times.
Python lists
A collection of values in a sequence.
One of the most common data collections.
Values enclosed in
[ ]
square brackets
and separated by commas.