Module 06
Visualizing change (with point clouds)
Yesterday in the Great Smokies
GEO 409: Advanced GIS
The dreaded 999999 ArcGIS Pro error.
Diabolically unknown.
How to diagnose and fix is a challenge.
Many python functions
can be run via a GUI tool.
Extract by Mask is one.
Search Analysis > Tools for the tool name.
GUI Tools
Why not just use the GUI?
We can but it's a lot of clicking
and we can't save/code our workflow.
From admin
"I remember last time we dealt with this and were able to get around it. Unfortunately, I’ve seen more issues pop up
recently. I hope its transient too. Sorry."
Solution for now
Use the explore-lidar.ipynb Notebook
to download and process lidar data for DEM/DSM.
Do not use elevation services.
April 2 Update
Reports that error has cleared
but don't know why it happened.
Use with caution for now.
Pauer Cartography Award
Submissions are open!
Cash prize
Traditional cartography, 3D mapping, and web maps
Let me know if you want to submit.
Modules 05 and 06
are posted together.
First goal
How much of x is in (or near) y?
Highly accurate and precise data now.
Essential GIS.
Module 2: How many populated places near Kentucky's highest park?
Second goal
Where xn is in y, z exists.
xn is any number of variables.
z is not directly observed, but predicted.
Spatial modeling.
Module 3: Where to have a picnic and where are tall trees?
Third goal
Test our prediction in the field.
Visualize and measure complicated data.
Make a useable artifact.
Module 4 & 5: Field mapping and Intro to lidar.
Current goal
Where xt1 != xt2, e occurred.
xt is same variable at different times.
!= is not equal to – they are different.
e is an event that caused the difference.
We will use data KyFromAbove and
but the same techniques can be applied to other sources of data.
There is nothing permanent except change.
– Heraclitus, 500 BCE
We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.
– Dakota Tribe
Land use change
NLCD captured every ~five years (2001-2019)
Raster cells are 30m x 30m and align across years.
Class codes (land cover types) are the same across years.
ct1 != ct2 if true, change occurred.
In-class task
Open the explore-change.ipynb Notebook.
Find how much land was developed between 2001 and 2019
within 20 miles of your hometown.
Mass terrain modification
Dam building. Mountain Top Removal (MTR).
Surface mining creates overburden
which becomes valley fill.
Explore Google
Elevation change
Lidar derived DEMs from 2010 to current.(>5ft resolution)
USGS DEMs from the early 1990s. (10m resolution)
change = DEMt1 - DEMt2
If it is not close to 0, change occurred.
In-class task
Find a surface mine site
and show the change in elevation between the DEMs
within two miles of the center of the site.
Above-ground change
Compare lidar Phase 1 to Phase 2
via their DSMs.
change = DSMt1 - DSMt2
You'll need two point clouds to do this.
Colorize Phase 1 point cloud by amount of removal
and Phase 2 by amount of addition.
Show both simultaneously.
Custom coloring techniques
Point cloud can be colored by any RGB image.
Export raster and force rendering to RGB.
Sunrise spring equinox
Create hillshade from DSM
enabling shadows.
Color point cloud with explore-lidar.ipynb
which overwrites previous colorization.
Use Notebook at end of slide deck
which creates new colorized point cloud.
Or, use the Analysis > Colorize LAS tool in ArcGIS Pro.
In-class task
Color Phase 1 point cloud by amount of removal
and Phase 2 by amount of addition.
Make a layout showing change.
Download updated Notebook.
Use the notebook from previous slide.
Find desired AOI lat,lon and buffer distance.
Run notebook for Phase 1 and create a DSM.
Run notebook for Phase 2 and create a DSM.
Start section "Comparing DSM change"
and load the two DSMs via their file paths.
Create a filled and removed raster from the change in surface height.
Colorize phase 1 with the removed raster and phase 2 with the filled raster.